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Fibromyalgia What It Is and How to Deal With the Pain

Fibromyalgia What It Is And How To Deal With The Pain - Chiropractic Care

Fibromyalgia What It Is And How To Deal With The Pain - Chiropractic Care

A common disorder, fibromyalgia affects an estimated 10 million people in the U.S. It is much more prevalent among women. For every man who suffers from fibromyalgia, there are four women who also suffer from the disorder. People who suffer from fibromyalgia have symptoms that everyone suffers at some point in their lives, which makes it more difficult to diagnose. Once people do receive a diagnosis, they will likely be treated by a team of medical professionals, including a chiropractor.

How fibromyalgia is diagnosed

The symptoms of fibromyalgia are common problems that many people who do not have the disorder also occasionally have. Some of these symptoms include the following:

The feature that distinguishes people who have fibromyalgia from others who occasionally experience these symptoms is that the disorder is chronic. People who have the disorder experience persistent symptoms, and there is no cure for fibromyalgia. Doctors diagnose fibromyalgia by eliminating other possible causes through the use of x-rays, lab tests, and blood tests.

If no other condition is identified, people will be diagnosed with primary fibromyalgia. People can also be diagnosed with secondary fibromyalgia that is caused by another primary condition such as migraines, trauma from car accidents, irritable bowel syndrome, and others.

Therapeutic approach to the treatment of fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia does not have a cure. The therapeutic approach to treating fibromyalgia is focused on reducing the symptoms. Many people who have the disorder also suffer from a mental health condition, so mental health treatment is normally provided together with other types of treatment. People may be prescribed medications, and chiropractors, nutritionists, primary care doctors, and massage therapists may work together to address the unique symptoms that a patient has.

Chiropractors play an important role in the treatment of people who suffer from fibromyalgia. Their education includes training in many of the techniques that are used to manage the care of people who have fibromyalgia, including nutrition, stress reduction, whole person care, and exercise training. Spinal manipulations and chiropractic adjustments also help to reduce pain symptoms, improve sleep, and reduce fatigue. It is best for people who suffer from fibromyalgia to coordinate their care, and chiropractors can work closely with the other professionals who are providing care to help their patients achieve the best outcomes.

Learn more about getting help with fibromyalgia

If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, it is possible for you to manage your symptoms so that you can experience fewer symptoms. Dr. Weigle is a chiropractor in Gainesville, Florida who works with patients who have fibromyalgia to create individualized treatment plans to address their symptoms. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Weigle today by calling Absolute Health Chiropractic at (352) 377-7373.

Chiropractor Dr. Weigle | Absolute Health Chiropractic | 2720 NW 6th St #1 | Gainesville, FL 32609 | (352) 377-7373 | Map & Directions

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